Emerging markets
Economic conditions in MENA countries
Euroasian economic union
Iranian economy
Research fellowship
FEMISE network
Some references
Income convergence in Iranian regions
Iranian Economic Review 14, 2009, 51-69 (with Eckey, Rahmani)
Drivers of exchange rates in CIS countries. Evidence from a FAVAR analysis
Emerging Markets, Finance and Trade 47, 2011, 49-58 (with Fidrmuc)
A further examination of the export-led growth hypothesis
Empirical Economics 45, 2013, 39-60 (with Hertzer)
The transmission of oil and food prices to consumer prices. Evidence for the
MENA countries
International Economics and Economic Policy 12, 2014, 143-161 (with Belke)
The impact of oil revenues on the Iranian economy and the Gulf States
OPEC Energy Review 40, 2016, 36-49 (with Rahmani)
Institutional determinants of financial development in MENA countries
Review of Development Economics 20, 2016, 670-680 (with Cherif)
The Ruble between the hammer and the anvil
Journal of Comparative Economics 44, 2016, 295-308 (with Fidrmuc, Kholodilin, Ulbricht)
Do regional trade agreements stimulate FDI? Evidence for
Review of Development Economics 22, 2018, 1263-1277 (with Cherif)
the exposure of the BRIC countries to global economic shocks
World Economy 42, 2019, 122-142 (with Belke, Dubova)
Chinese economy
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